Rent a Space

Commercial property to rent | ALB forming


We offer for rent production and storage space with an area of ​​300 m2 for 10,000 CZK / month. Possibility to increase the space by up to 150 m2 for 5,000 CZK / month.

Our commercial property is located in Telnice near Ústí nad Labem, 3.7 km from the D8 motorway exit. Space for rent is located in the factory’s building and it’s completely secured for the operation of any production or storage space. Social facilities for employees provided in the form of changing rooms, showers and toilets. Possibility to rent an office in this building for administrative purposes. It is entirely up to the client what part of the building he wants to rent.

Storage space offer

  • the premises are in close proximity to the D8 motorway, or Usti nad Labem
  • 300 m2 with the possibility of enlarging by up to 150 m2
    variable space
  • access ramp for trucks
  • the premises can serve as a transhipment point or an intermediate warehouse
  • 20 minutes from Dresden

Office space offer

  • background in a historic building near Ústí nad Labem
  • possibility to use up to 3 floors
  • privacy in offices
  • great background of the company
  • industrial character of architecture
  • the possibility of using the congress hall or meeting rooms

Production facilities offer

  • great location due to accessibility by highway from Prague or Germany
  • spacious object where you will find a place for all your machines
  • use for any type of production
  • near storage space in the building
  • building suitable for the company’s facilities
  • access ramp
  • suitable for mass production
  • possibility to rent immediately

In case of your interest, don’t hesitate and contact our COO or contact us via phone +420 604 460 768


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