Who wrote about us

Much has been written about us during the time we have been sending our beautiful sets out the world.

These are beautiful mentions that we do not want to forget. That is why we honestly register and hide every newspaper article. We will be happy to share them with essay writers. We wish you a pleasant reading.

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Ešus je jeden z nejpraktičtějších vynálezů (9th July 2019)

Legendární český výrobek nepatentovali, jeho tradice však pokračuje (24th July 2019)

Legendární ešusy z Telnice mají kopie po celém světě, přesto stále táhnou (17th April 2017)

Ešusy z Telnice putují až do Číny a Ameriky! (4th April 2012)

Naše telnické ešusy jsou známé po celém světě a stále letí (8th May 2017)

Ešusy z Telnice zná celý svět, pomohly statisícům lidí (13th May 2016)

Ešusy pomáhají (June2011)

Ešusy z Telnice putují až do Číny (25th 2015)

Příběh legendárního nádobí: ešus je nesmrtelný

Legendární český výrobek – nezbytnost na letní tábory (29th July 2019)

Recenze nádobí: ALB SAMOVAR – rychlovarka na dřevo (28th July 2020)

Mentions of us are not limited to newspapers, magazines or periodicals. Our products have also been reviewed by users on the YouTube channel.

VIDEO #1 – Czech or Summit Mess Sets for Preppers Survival and Bushcraft

The video is about comparing two sets – one of ours and one “ordinary”. Sets undergo a test in which food is prepared and then the sets are washed. The review evaluates both the preparation of the food and the subsequent cleaning. Guess which of the shots came out better?

VIDEO #2 – Inexpensive Cookset – Czechoslovakian Mess Kit – Preview

In this video, our three-part aluminum shed is reviewed. The video highlights the low weight of the three-piece set and at the same time the durability of aluminum.

VIDEO #3 – Czech Mess Kit – Product Review

Also in this video, an aluminum three-part set of shells is evaluated. The weight again left a positive impression together with the ideal size, thanks to which the juice can be stored in a backpack or backpack without any problems.


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